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Me on Putty&Paint

About me

Przemyslaw Szymczyk

Lodz, Poland

If You have any questions regarding my works or you're interested in commissions feel free to email me.

Masz pytania, interesuje Cię współpraca bądź zlecenie - pisz śmiało :)

Archive for May 2012

His helmet is so cute ;)
More pics here

Another WF mini finished. This time -  Space Marine Sergeant. More photos of his lovely face here

Another harlequin, what a suprise!
More pictures of this karate kid here

My first Infinity miniature. White metal, very good sclupture and casting quality - I'll buy more of them for sure.
For now - You can check Aswangs in the gallery

I've repainted 54mm Airtis from Enigma Miniatures. I've also lost his treasure chest in the meantime :/
Here's link to gallery.
And here old version with that bloody chest ;)

DML plastic kit, more pictures here

It's done, finally. Nice kit, pleasure to work on. More photos in gallery soon