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Przemyslaw Szymczyk

Lodz, Poland

If You have any questions regarding my works or you're interested in commissions feel free to email me.

Masz pytania, interesuje Cię współpraca bądź zlecenie - pisz śmiało :)

Archive for 2012

Some news on blog -  I've added new gallery with some of my sculptures, I'll keep on adding new stuff, some tutorials and SBS maybe?
My musketeer bust is now available from United Empire Miniatures, there are some pics of painted verion in gallery

Nojśkajten, jak mawiają Niemcy - dodałem galerię moich ulepków, mam nadzieję ją uzupełniać, może dodam też jakieś tutoriale czy SBSy, ale to już w ramach zapotrzebowania. Popiersie muszkietera które udało mi się stworzyć można sobie kupić w formie odlewu żywicznego tutaj za dulary. Pomalowana miniatura do obaczenia w galerii

I've just finished this guy - made from Fimo, MS and greenstuff. More photos here

Ulepiłem takiego gostka - z fimo, magica i greenstuffa. Więcej zdjęć tutaj

I've recently won FoW "Open Fire!" starter set - and couple days ago decided to paint some little tanks in 1/100 scale. Resuls you can see here and here

Jakieś czas temu wygrałem zestaw startowy do Flames of War, ostatnio mnie naszło na malowanie maleństw. Spodobało mi się że wystarczyło dokleić lufę i można maziać. Efekty tutaj i tutaj

I've just finished this amazing mini from Titan Forge. More of this here

My BMW R75 vignette is featured in current issue of "SMI". Article with figure painting SBS photos, in english. Great looking publication, by the way :)

Just finished. More pics soon :)

Long time since last update - but vacation time is over, so here something new:
120mm US Marine - superb figure from KFS Miniatures. Reminds me some game... ;)
More photos here

I've updated gallery with couple of pics of 1/72 Balaton Modell's D9R Dozer vignette. Here's link to them :)

Another big beast in the gallery - Warmachine's Khador Juggernaut.  Very nice mini, I really enjoyed painting it. More pics here

I've recieved copies of my latest publications - in "Panzer Aces" (issue 39) you will find detalied article about painting 1/35 BMW R75 bike with Mantis Miniatures figures. In "Modelar" (7/2012) there's article featuring 1/72 D9R Dozer from Balaton Modell

Something new - railroad scale (HO - 1/87) Liebherr 974 excavator. Rather simple Kibri's kit, with stickers instead of water slide decals. But, I like the result. How about you? ;)
More pics here

Sculpting practice finished at last. So, here's result - I named him Scour'veall ;)
If somebody is interested in selling this guy, let me know - I can sell figure with rights to reproduction

I'm trying to sculpt something. 32mm tall, still some work to do

Khador's Beast09 is in gallery now. And with the figure there is new section in my blog - tutorials. Here You can find SBS article with this model

W galerii nowa figurka - Beast 09. A wraz z nią nawa sekcja na blogu - tutoriale. Artykuł pokazujący malowanie krok po kroku tego modelu tutaj

Another vehicle in gallery, Sentilel this time. More of it here. Hope You like it :)
Now i'm starting with another heavy stuff - Khandor's Beast09. Let me know in comments if You want some SBS or battle damage tutorial ;)

Kolejny pojazd w galerii. Tym razem pora na Sentinela. Więcej fotek tutaj. Ciężkiego sprzętu nigdy za wiele, na warsztacie właśnie wylądował Beast 09z Łormaszyny. Jak chcecie jakieś SBS albo tutorial psucia modelu, dajcie znać w komentarzach ;)

Warmachine's 28mm warjack. Nice mini, fun to build. More of him here

And yes, I know that the head is upside down ;)

Ufff, there was a lot of work with this lady. But, fourtunately, I finished it today :)

More pics here

Finished couple of days ago. I enjoyed painting it so much, that I already ordered another one :)
More pics here

His helmet is so cute ;)
More pics here

Another WF mini finished. This time -  Space Marine Sergeant. More photos of his lovely face here

Another harlequin, what a suprise!
More pictures of this karate kid here

My first Infinity miniature. White metal, very good sclupture and casting quality - I'll buy more of them for sure.
For now - You can check Aswangs in the gallery

I've repainted 54mm Airtis from Enigma Miniatures. I've also lost his treasure chest in the meantime :/
Here's link to gallery.
And here old version with that bloody chest ;)

DML plastic kit, more pictures here

It's done, finally. Nice kit, pleasure to work on. More photos in gallery soon

I've updated figure gallery - another Skaven Warlock and Eldar Harlequin.
Also I added some pics of my Uncle Meat

He's bald, he's pissed, and he has a hammer! So, he's like 90% of construction workers :)
More pics here

Another two minis finished :)
Skaven Warlock Engineer, You can se more photos here,
and Necron Overlord - with more pics here. Both of them for sale.

Next one. Gallery here

Just finished - more pics here.
You can buy him, if You like it - link on the left panel :)

a little progress...

Another one in 28mm. More pics here.

Finecast, so a lots of bugs to fill and reshape. And looong painting :)
More images here

Poledancer - third one. This time with base.
More pics here

Third one. More photos here

 Citadel Finecast - damn, I thought that "fine" is synonym to "good". Maybe it stands for 'F... It, Numberous Errors". I know people who are making a lot better castings at home. GW, MAKE IT BETTER!
More pictures of mini here

A little progress...

Just started with this cool-looking mini. Right arm shading is half-done :)

Look what the cat dragged in - my SWS will be featured in february issue of czech "Modelar" magazine. Niiice ;)

Some old GW stuff and Thunderbold Mountain's elvish knight - really awesome sculpture. 
Now - paint time! 

Another one. More pics in the gallery.
You can buy him here

Kolejny nekromanta się przyplątał. Galeria w galerii.
Można go nabyć tutaj

I've completed another two Warhammer miniatures (28mm scale):
Another Dark Elf Sorceress - photos in gallery
Vampire Counts Necromancer - photos here
Both minis for sale, check this link

Skończyłem dwie kolejne warhammerowe figurki: 
Kolejną Elfią magiczkę (galeria tutaj) i wampirzego nekromantę (tutaj). Obie są na sprzedaż, tutaj :)

 Finished today - little fellow from Miniature Factory.
More pics in the gallery in a couple of days

Skończyłem dziś - winietka z "Wujkiem Mięso" produkcji Miniature Factory. Świnia lepiona, reszta też dziergana od podstaw. Więcej fotek w galerii za parę dni

Another Warhammer mini finished - 28mm from Games Workshop. More pics and 360 degree presentation in the gallery

Mini is for sale, here

Kolejny pajac Warhammerowy - 28mm, produkcji Games Workshop. Więcej zdjęć i zaawansowana technologicznie prezentacja filmowa tutaj

Figurka jest na sprzedaż, tutaj